Private Market Insights IV/2023
Golding wishes happy Christmas holidays
We are grateful for everything good that has happened this year. And giving something back to those people who are not so fortunate has always been a topic close to our hearts. So this year, Golding is again supporting charitable initiatives that campaign at the local, regional or global level for a better world.
We wish you and those close to you peaceful holidays and a good start to the New Year.
More and more elderly people find that their pension is not sufficient, even if they have worked all their lives. LichtBlick Seniorenhilfe e.V. supports around 27,000 retired people in need – quickly, on a long-term basis and without red tape. The team led by Lydia Staltner provides assistance to elderly people from all walks of life and is always there for them. Because financial poverty can often lead to loneliness as well. In addition to our donation, we are inviting elderly people supported by Lichtblick to come and have lunch with us in the New Year. We are very much looking forward to meeting them and chatting between different generations.
The Swiss Mountain Aid has been a dependable partner for 80 years when it comes to supporting people living in the Swiss mountains. Mountain Aid is funded completely by donations, and supports businesses in the mountains with project financing that creates and secures jobs, and so makes it possible for people to live and work in the mountains. We believe that Mountain Aid is an important and useful initiative for people and nature in Switzerland.
The Bazar International de Luxembourg is a charity fundraising event organised by volunteers. The bazaar consists of around 80 stands, each representing a country, which sell products made nationally. This year we were part of the team equipping the German stand. The proceeds go to humanitarian projects located all over the world. Our sales proceeds go to an initiative for severely ill children, Hand in Hand – Verein für schwerst- und krebskranke Kinder e.V. in Altenstadt, Hesse. Lukas Eckhard and Christian Harz from Golding were among the volunteers involved.
The charity Lebenslinien e.V. has applied the South African Ubuntu philosophy to helping children in the Cape region since 2005. It expresses an African approach to life that is characterised by humanity, solidarity and a sense of collective belonging. Lebenslinien (life lines) aims to bridge the divide between the prosperous world and a South Africa that is coping with the consequences of apartheid. Projects are realised in association with local partners. With our donation we are supporting a wonderful project, the Eagle’s Nest Community Centre in Grabouw, South Africa, around 70km from Cape Town. The aim of the project is to build a community centre as a meeting point for children and adults, and especially for elderly people, because there has never been anything similar in the area before. One of the main functions is to provide after-school care for children, as well as offering adult education courses in cultural and practical subjects, especially for older people. There will also be a cafeteria for everyone.
Schools and education are the focus of the initiative Ghana-Hilfe Pfarrer Renner e.V. An education centre for children and teenagers has been expanded with the help of this charity, for example. A total of 55 buildings have now been constructed, where 800 children and young people can receive teaching or vocational training. In 2020 the association financed two PV systems, which enable the school to cover 90 per cent of its electricity needs autonomously. Our colleague Lisa Glaser, Associate Finance & Controlling, helps Ghana-Hilfe as a dedicated volunteer.