Golding News


Initiatives – local & global

Golding supports charitable initiatives that campaign at the local, regional or global level for a better world. We are starting the year with two initiatives that are very close to our hearts: Lebenslinien in South Africa and Lichtblick Seniorenhilfe in Munich.

We create impact for generations. Local. Regional. Global.

Global – Support for the construction of a community centre in South Africa

Nelson Mandela’s words Education is the greatest engine to personal development are written in large letters on the wall of the Eagle’s Nest Community Centre, a multifunctional space and meeting place for children, adults and elderly people in Grabouw, South Africa. The centre's main tasks include after-school care for children and adult education in cultural and practical areas.

The charity Lebenslinien e.V. has applied the South African Ubuntu philosophy to helping children in the Cape region since 2005. It expresses an African approach to life that is characterised by humanity, solidarity and a sense of collective belonging. Lebenslinien (lifelines) aims to bridge the divide between the prosperous world and a South Africa that is coping with the consequences of apartheid. Projects are realised in association with local partners.

Golding Managing Partner Hubertus Theile-Ochel went to visit the organisation in March: “It was a very special meeting that impressed me and touched me emotionally. Especially to see how cheerful the children are and what a positive attitude they have to life. As a company, we believe that we have a responsibility to give something back to society and help people who are less fortunate than ourselves – locally, regionally and globally.”

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Local – A donation and a joint meal for the Lichtblick Seniorenhilfe in Munich

The state pension is often no longer enough, and there has been a steep increase in financial distress and loneliness among older people. LichtBlick Seniorenhilfe e.V. supports around 27,000 retired people in need – quickly, on a long-term basis and without red tape. Lydia Staltner’s team helps older people to improve their quality of life and continue living independently.

In addition to our donation for the Christmas season, we invited them to the inclusive restaurant Kunst-Werk-Küche for a joint New Year’s dinner in Munich. Together with 50 pensioners we spent an unforgettable day full of joy and lots of laughter with delicious food. This opportunity to get to know the elderly, hear their stories and exchange ideas was a real ray of hope for all of us.

We sincerely thank all those involved for these initiatives.

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Susanne Stolzenburg

Head of Marketing & Communications · Director

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