Golding News

Jakob Schramm

20 years at Golding

Our colleague Jakob Schramm, Partner & Head of Private Credit, is celebrating his 20-year anniversary at Golding. As part of an interview, Jakob explains to us how the market has changed over the last two decades. Moreover, he discusses formative experiences in his career and what he particularly enjoys about working at Golding.
Golding Capital – Jakob Schramm

Jakob Schramm, Partner & Head of Private Credit

Jakob, how has the private credit market changed over the past 20 years?

Private credit has developed into a mainstay in the market and is now an essential asset class. Demand and market volume have steadily increased, and our team has not only adapted to this change but has actively helped developing it.

What has been the most formative experience for you?

For me, it was formative to witness the resilience of private credit over the years. Both during the global financial crisis and throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, our approach has consistently proven to be stable and crisis-resistant, even in turbulent times. I’m proud that, as a team, we were able to successfully meet these challenges while maintaining our conservative risk strategy.

What do you enjoy most about working at Golding?

What I enjoy most is experiencing the continuous growth and transformation of our organization. It’s inspiring to see how adaptable we are and how much we continue to evolve as a team. The ability to keep reinventing ourselves while upholding our values is something I greatly appreciate at Golding.

Jakob, congratulations on 20 years with Golding!

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Susanne Stolzenburg

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